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EU initiates formal talks on Ukraine's membership bid

EU initiates accession discussions with Ukraine, marking a significant milestone. In Luxembourg, delegates from the 27 EU member nations and Ukrainian diplomats convened for their initial meeting, during which the distribution of negotiation guidelines was scheduled. Ukrainian Prime Minister...

Flags of the EU member states in Brussels
Flags of the EU member states in Brussels

EU initiates formal talks on Ukraine's membership bid

"Schmyhal, joining the EU discussion from Luxembourg via video call, acknowledged the extensive work yet to be completed for membership. 'We're game for it,' he affirmed, speaking to the substantial reforms required before EU acceptance," stated the individual.

Subsequent discussions with Ukraine unfolded plans to initiate accession negotiations with neighboring Moldova as well. "Both nations have demonstrated impressive advancements in the realms of law and order, anti-corruption, and media freedom," Europa-Staatssekretärin Anna Lührmann expressed approval of the commencing negotiations.

Although Ukraine and Moldova may meet all EU membership conditions, the completion of these tasks could span years, perhaps even decades. In Ukraine's case, achieving a truce with Russia becomes a pivotal step. No assurance of admission is assured.

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