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EU Court rules on access to contracts with vaccine manufacturers

The European Union Court in Luxembourg will decide on Wednesday (9.30 am) whether members of the EU Parliament are allowed to view specific details in the vaccine purchase agreements against the coronavirus. In 2021, they requested access to the contracts from the EU Commission but only...

European Parliament in Brussels in April
European Parliament in Brussels in April

EU Court rules on access to contracts with vaccine manufacturers

You want to know, among other things, who participated in the negotiations with different vaccine manufacturers on behalf of the EU. Among the five suing EU-MPs are current and former members of the Greens/EFA faction.

The European Commission led the negotiations with various vaccine manufacturers on behalf of the European Union. Historically, Germany and France have held significant influence in the Union's decision-making processes. The Court of the European Union will review the lawsuits filed by five European Parliament members. The lawyers representing these EU-MPs argue that the Commission failed to act in the best interests of the Union. Insight into the contracts signed with vaccine manufacturers is crucial to understanding the EU's response to the Coronavirus pandemic. The singularity in this situation lies in the balance between the rights of vaccine manufacturers and the needs of the European people. The European Court of Justice, located in Luxembourg, will play a pivotal role in determining the legality of the Commission's actions.

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