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EU and Switzerland want to conclude cooperation agreement in 2024

The European Union (EU) and Switzerland want to conclude a cooperation agreement next year. Negotiations on this should begin "without delay", according to a joint statement on Friday. A positive outcome to these negotiations is "within reach".


EU and Switzerland want to conclude cooperation agreement in 2024

The two sides are thus making a new attempt to improve and simplify cooperation with each other. In May 2021, Switzerland ended years of negotiations on a framework agreement on bilateral relations.

The negotiations failed in 2021 partly because Switzerland had insisted on leaving issues relating to posted workers, state aid and the free movement of persons out of the agreement. The EU rejected this.

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The EU and Switzerland aim to finalize their cooperation agreement in 2024, hoping to rectify past negotiation issues. Despite reaching an impasse in 2021 due to Switzerland's desire to exclude certain topics, such as posted workers, state aid, and the free movement of persons, the EU refused to comply. Despite their close relations, both parties have expressed a desire to avoid any potential delay in agreeing to the cooperation agreement, with 2024 as their target date.


