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Estimation: 2200 new HIV infections

The great terror has lost Aids. But the virus is still present: In Germany, many people getting infected with HIV every year. In some groups, the number of infections is even increasing.

With a blood test, it can be determined if someone is infected with HIV (archive image)
With a blood test, it can be determined if someone is infected with HIV (archive image)

Immunodeficiency-Virus - Estimation: 2200 new HIV infections

Approximately 2,200 people in Germany were newly infected with HIV last year. This is roughly the same number as before the Corona-Pandemic, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in a new estimation. An infection with the HIV virus can lead to AIDS if left untreated.

The RKI estimates the numbers every year. They consider new infections in Germany and of people of German origin who became infected abroad.

Approximately 1,200 of these new infections were among men who have sex with men. The number in this group decreased compared to the year 2019. It is likely that among these men, the HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis PrEP prevented many new infections, explained the RKI. PrEP is almost exclusively used by this group. People at increased HIV infection risk take a daily tablet with two active ingredients, which suppress the replication of the virus in the body.

New infections through drug use are increasing

Approximately 620 people became infected with HIV in the previous year through heterosexual contacts, according to the RKI estimation. An increase was recorded in this group compared to pre-pandemic levels.

380 new infections occurred through the injection of drugs with needles. The estimated numbers through this drug use have been increasing steadily since 2010.

According to the RKI, the number of people living with HIV in Germany rose to approximately 96,700 by the end of the previous year. Of these, around 8,200 HIV infections were undiagnosed, according to the estimation.

The vast majority of people with known HIV infection now receive what is called an antiretroviral therapy: 18 years ago, it was about 80%, now it is about 99%. Of these therapies, about 96% were successful. The RKI also emphasizes that more self-tests and testing on demand would help reduce the number of undiagnosed HIV-infected people.

HIV diagnoses are often only made years after infection. The data basis for the routine overview are laboratory reports. The RKI notes that they only provide limited information on the current spread of HIV in Germany. The number of new HIV infections and the total number of people living with HIV in Germany can therefore only be estimated using modeling calculations.

  1. Despite the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates that approximately 2,200 new HIV infections occurred in Germany last year, which is comparable to the number before the pandemic.
  2. The RKI believes that the decrease in new HIV infections among men who have sex with men might be due to the effect of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis PrEP, a daily medication that suppresses the replication of the virus in the body and is primarily used by this group.
  3. In contrast to the decline in new HIV infections among men who have sex with men, the RKI reports an increase in new infections through drug use, specifically through the injection of drugs with needles.
  4. The RKI's estimation indicates that approximately 620 people became infected with HIV in the previous year through heterosexual contacts, marking an uptick compared to pre-pandemic levels.
  5. HIV diagnoses often come years after infection, and according to the RKI, approximately 8,200 HIV infections in Germany remain undiagnosed as of the end of the previous year.
  6. The RKI highlights the importance of more self-tests and testing on demand to help reduce the number of undiagnosed HIV-infected people, as over 99% of people with known HIV infection now receive successful antiretroviral therapy.
  7. The RKI acknowledges that the data basis for the routine overview of HIV infections in Germany is limited, and they can only provide estimates of new HIV infections and the total number of people living with HIV in Germany using modeling calculations.

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