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Esslingen advises against entering cellars and underground garages.

A marker indicates the water level.
A marker indicates the water level.

Severe weather conditions impending, bringing potential destruction. - Esslingen advises against entering cellars and underground garages.

Esslingen am Neckar, a town in Stuttgart, is advising against entering certain locations because of a potentially hazardous flood situation. On Sunday evening, officials issued a plea, asking people to avoid cellars and underground parking areas in the city center and Oberesslingen. They also warned against entering areas right by the Neckar river. The city administration is keeping a close eye on water levels. The public is recommended to stay updated via this website and the media.

Read also:

  1. Given the flood situation along the Neckar river, weather forecasts in Baden-Württemberg, including in Stuttgart and Esslingen, are closely monitored for any signs of intensifying conditions.
  2. Despite the current climate changes in Germany, it's essential to heed warnings and follow advice, such as avoiding underground car parks, especially during storms, which significantly increase the flood risk in areas close to the Neckar.
  3. Residents in and around Esslingen am Neckar should familiarize themselves with potential flood areas and regularly check the city's emergency planning website, offering timely updates on the flood situation and weather-related advisories.
  4. Understanding the flood risks in Esslingen and neighboring towns will help minimize damage, ensuring the safety of both people and property, especially as extreme weather events continue to become more frequent throughout Germany.
  5. By acting proactively in light of severe weather conditions, German citizens like those in Esslingen can significantly reduce the impact of flooding and contribute to the overall resilience of their communities.

