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Essen police report quiet night after violent protests against AfD party conference

According to the police, the night remained calm following the sometimes violent protests against the AfD federal party conference in Essen. "Last night was calm", the police wrote on their website on Sunday morning. Three gatherings were registered for the course of the day.

Emergency services and demonstrators in Essen on Saturday
Emergency services and demonstrators in Essen on Saturday

Essen police report quiet night after violent protests against AfD party conference

On Saturday evening, the police in the north rhine-westphalian metropolis announced that during the protests against the AfD party convention, an officer had been severely injured and 27 officers had been lightly injured. Unknown individuals had reportedly kicked two officers in the head. According to the police, there had been 32 demonstrations since Friday evening, during which several tens of thousands of people had participated "mainly peacefully".

However, there had also been larger groups "of several hundred people" who attempted to hinder the delegates from participating in the federal party convention or to break through barricades through violent means, the police added. Batons and tear gas were used against them.

The police had previously clarified that not peaceful protests, "especially preventive blockades that aim to disrupt or prevent the AfD federal party convention", were not a criminal offense and did not fall under the constitutional freedom of assembly.

The AfD continues its two-day party convention on Sunday. Matters to be discussed include an initiative to create an office of the General Secretary. On Saturday, both party chairs Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla were confirmed in their positions with clear majorities. A proposal for a single candidate was rejected by the delegates.

During the night, further protests against the AfD party conference in Essen continued, causing tension between demonstrators and the police. At the AfD party conference on Sunday, the issue of the proposed office of the General Secretary was a main topic of discussion. Despite the violent protests and injuries to several officers the previous day, the police maintained a peaceful presence at the convention.

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