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Essen court set to decide on AfD party gathering at hall on fairgrounds

The AfD's national party conference, scheduled for the end of June, will be subject to the Essen Regional Court. The court is expected to consider the AfD's request next week to compel Messe Essen to grant them access to Grugahalle on the exhibition grounds of the city for the conference. Messe...

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Essen court set to decide on AfD party gathering at hall on fairgrounds

The city, who holds a majority stake in the fair, insisted that the AfD agree to certain terms at their party gathering. These included vowing to stop any criminal remarks or halt them as soon as they occur.

If these guarantees weren't provided, a hefty penalty of €500,000 per infraction would be imposed. If no guarantees were given, the deal for the event hall would be scrapped right away. The AfD turned down these terms and declared they'd take the matter to court.

The court hearing for the preliminary injunction requested by the AfD is now set to take place on Monday, starting at 11 a.m. The AfD federal party convention is slated for June 28 to 30. The contract between the Essen fair and the party was initially inked in January 2023.

Recently, AfD leader Tino Chrupalla expressed optimism that the party would emerge victorious in court. He asserted that they can strategize their long-organized party convention in a lawful manner, as shared with the "Bild" newspaper.

As a result of the termination threat, the AfD submitted a criminal complaint against the Essen mayor, Thomas Kufen (CDU), and the fair company's managing director. According to their own reports.

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