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Esken welcomes Karlsruhe ruling on Bundestag elections in Berlin

SPD leader Saskia Esken has welcomed the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin. "The plaintiffs tried to wipe this decision off the table in its entirety. The Federal Constitutional Court has not ruled in this way, which also confirms...

Saskia Esken, Chairwoman of the SPD, speaks at the SPD's regular national party conference at
Saskia Esken, Chairwoman of the SPD, speaks at the SPD's regular national party conference at the Berlin Exhibition Center.

SPD - Esken welcomes Karlsruhe ruling on Bundestag elections in Berlin

SPD leader Saskia Esken has welcomed the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin. "The plaintiffs tried to wipe this decision off the table in its entirety. The Federal Constitutional Court has not ruled in this way, which also confirms our legal opinion," said Esken in an interview with the German Press Agency on Tuesday. Above all, it is important that this election strengthens confidence in democratic structures.

The judges in Karlsruhe had previously ruled that the 2021 Bundestag election in Berlin must be repeated in parts due to numerous glitches. This applies to 455 electoral districts and the associated postal voting districts. An electoral review complaint by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag was therefore only partially successful.

The ruling strengthens voters' confidence in the importance of their vote, emphasized Esken. It must be guaranteed that such an election is conducted without errors and is counted correctly.

Announcement of the court Decision of the Bundestag

Read also:

  1. The Federal Constitutional Court, located in Karlsruhe, Germany, issued a ruling on the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin, which was welcomed by SPD leader Saskia Esken.
  2. Esken stated that the plaintiffs tried to dismiss the decision entirely, but the court did not uphold this, aligning with SPD's legal perspective.
  3. The ruling reinforces the significance of voters' choices in elections, ensuring that the process is error-free and results are accurately counted.
  4. The 2021 Bundestag election in Berlin required a partial rerun due to numerous technical issues, as per the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court.
  5. Saskia Esken underlined the importance of this rerun in boosting confidence in democratic structures and the validity of elections.
  6. The German Press Agency reported on Esken's thoughts about the court's ruling, highlighting her emphasis on the importance of a flawless election procedure.
  7. Despite the repetition of parts of the Bundestag election, other political parties continue to engage in elections and decision-making processes, awaiting future judgments from the Federal Constitutional Court.


