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Esken urges collaboration between traffic light parties in budget discussions.

SPD leader Saskia Essen urged the parties in the "Traffic Light" coalition to collaborate during the upcoming budget discussions. These discussions, which pertain to the 2025 federal budget, should focus on the people's interests rather than the interests of any specific party, as stated on...

Saskia Esken
Saskia Esken

Esken urges collaboration between traffic light parties in budget discussions.

According to Esken, both society and the economy need to advance. For this to happen, a strong foundation must be created, with unity being vital. She highlighted that people loathe disagreements within a government the most. Esken isn't convinced that the poor European election performance by her party colleague, Olaf Scholz, has irreparably harmed him.

In the recent European election, all political parties aligned with the SPD experienced setbacks. The Green Party experienced the highest level of losses compared to their 2019 election results. The SPD achieved their worst outcome in a European election so far. Their ally, the FDP, also witnessed a decline in support compared to the 2021 Bundestag election. Scholz expressed the necessity for teamwork following the results.

Regrettably, the coalition is still at odds over the 2025 budget. Particularly, the SPD and the Greens refuse to accept the proposed cuts advocated by Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP).

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