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Esken revises assertion:

Could insights be gleaned from the suspected Islamist-inspired knife assault in Solingen? Initially, the SPD leader expressed little to learn. However, following substantial backlash, she revised her viewpoint.

- Esken revises assertion:

SPD Leader Saskia Esken has retracted her comments on a talk show suggesting there wasn't much to gain from the suspected Islamist-driven attack in Solingen. She admitted later to broadcaster Welt, "That wasn't a wise or correct thing to say." She emphasized that lessons must be learned from this attack and others, some of which might be ongoing plottings, "that we need to tackle Islamism and the potential threat of Islamist terrorism more vigorously than we have up till now."

Regarding this matter, the SPD leader mentioned the government's action plan. She now aims to hold discussions with the opposition, specifically the CDU/CSU, and the states.

On the ARD show "Caren Miosga," she had initially commented after the tragic incident that resulted in three fatalities. She expressed her viewpoint at the time, saying, "I don't believe much can be learned from this attack since the perpetrator wasn't on police radars and, consequently, wasn't being monitored." Simultaneously, she supported stricter internet regulation, referring to the significant amount of public communication taking place online. This statement sparked a wave of criticism.

In her discussions with the opposition and the states, SPD Leader Saskia Esken highlighted the need for Germany to address Islamist terrorism more effectively. Despite her earlier comments on ARD, she acknowledged the importance of tackling Islamism in Germany.

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