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Esken opposes internal staff discussions on Scholz - advocates for unity

Following disappointing election outcomes in Saxony and Thuringia, the top brass of the federal SPD is endeavoring to suppress an internal party dispute concerning Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. SPD chairwoman Saskia Esken, following a gathering of the party boards on Monday in Berlin,...

Esken opposes internal staff discussions on Scholz - advocates for unity

Saskia Esken expressed, "We aim to demonstrate strong leadership by having crucial discussions within our ranks and then presenting a unified front." Inside the coalition, the SPD's influence needs to be more prominent, she stated: "We need to make it clear that this government is headed by the SPD and adheres to social democratic principles naturally."

She chose not to critique the Chancellor. "The Federal Chancellor doesn't require me to take responsibility. He's already accountable and assumes responsibility daily - both in setting agendas and pushing them forward," she stated. Esken noted that the wind shifted in favor of the SPD and its candidate, Olaf Scholz, only in the last few months before the last federal election in 2021 - "and we'll manage to achieve this again this time around."

Esken also linked the poor performance of the coalition parties in the state elections to the "traffic light" coalition's image. Voters find intra-coalition squabbles "unbearable," she said. It's "essential that we, as the 'traffic light' coalition, demonstrate our ability to act," she said. While the coalition is capable of this, it's frequently overshadowed by unnecessary quarrels, she criticized.

Esken voiced frustration over good decisions made by the coalition being challenged the next day. "That needs to stop, it's plain and simple," she said.

Esken declared that the SPD will boost its communication with its grassroots and the public in debate formats starting from autumn - also as a prelude to the federal election in 2025. The party intends to focus on "matters of everyday life and the working middle class."

The SPD leader acknowledged that her party is currently facing mediation challenges on certain topics, such as asylum policy or support for Ukraine. "It's clear that we need to show more conviction on these topics," she admitted.

The SPD needs to emphasize its leadership role within the coalition, as Saskia Esken mentioned, by ensuring that "The Commission" within the coalition strongly advocates for SPD's influence and adherence to social democratic principles. Furthermore, to improve the coalition's image, it's crucial for the 'traffic light' coalition to demonstrate its ability to act cohesively, avoiding "unbearable" intra-coalition squabbles as Esken pointed out.

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