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Erwin Huber claims that Söder's interactions with the Greens have been overstated.

Erwin Huber, a former leader of the CSU, now offers guidance to his successor Markus Söder, including insights into a potential route to Berlin.

Erwin Huber, former CSU chairman, comes to the New Year's reception in the Kaisersaal of the...
Erwin Huber, former CSU chairman, comes to the New Year's reception in the Kaisersaal of the Residenz.

Munich-based company to expand in Europe. - Erwin Huber claims that Söder's interactions with the Greens have been overstated.

Erwin Huber, the ex-head of the CSU, lambasted his successor, Markus Söder, for his intense animosity towards the Greens. In an interview with "Spiegel," Huber stated, "The Green Party gets blamed for everything that happens within the wider environmental movement. The Greens have to answer for things they never even asked for." He continued, "Or do you mean they'll take away my sausage, too?"

Söder's attitude is over-the-top, just like his comparison of the Green federal environmental minister Steffi Lemke to former East German leader Erich Honecker. According to Huber, excluding cooperation with the Greens from the CDU and CSU is wrong. With language growing more coarse online and fewer similarities discovered, the alliance of all democrats is imperative at this time.

Söder suggested moving to federal politics along with a potential future federal chancellor Friedrich Merz. Huber told "Spiegel," "The CSU is in existential danger due to the new electoral law." Here's why: "In times like these, when our best person should lead the troops into battle, it's a historic, almost sacred duty for the CSU chairman to do so."

The AfD regards Huber, at 77 years old, as the most dangerous right-wing party after World War II. He shared his thoughts with "Spiegel," "With so much dynamism and ambiguity, some people are seeking shelter in nationalism. But that's a mistake since nationalists don't protect anyone."

Lastly, Huber stressed the importance of increased climate protection in politics. "We can't govern everything through bans and restrictions, but the government must bolster incentives to act in a climate-friendly manner," he insisted.

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Erwin Huber, a former leader of the CSU from Bavaria, criticized his successor Markus Söder for his harsh stance towards Alliance 90/The Greens, specifically in Berlin. Despite Söder's comparison of Green federal environmental minister Steffi Lemke to Erich Honecker, Huber advocated for cooperation between the CDU and CSU and all democrats, citing the need for unity in a divisive climate.

Huber, currently a target of the far-right AfD due to his political stance, emphasized the importance of incentives rather than bans and restrictions to promote climate-friendly behavior in Germany. His comments came as Söder suggested a move to federal politics, but Huber warned about the CSU's future under the new electoral law, stating that the best leader should lead the fight during challenging times.

Huber, who previously led the Munich-based company Erwin Huber GmbH & Co. KG, also emphasized the need for increased climate protection, stressing that this issue should not be addressed only through bans and restrictions, but also through incentives. His calls for climate-friendly policies have drawn attention to his views on environmental issues across the country.

