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Erdogan's visit to Berlin: large-scale police operation

When endangered heads of state and government come to Berlin, the police are under particular pressure. This applies to US presidents, Russian and Israeli heads of government - and also to the head of state of Turkey.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of

Erdogan's visit to Berlin: large-scale police operation

The Berlin police are expecting a major operation during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday. There will be "considerable restrictions on traffic in the city", said a spokeswoman. For security reasons, the police are not revealing the exact routes that Erdogan's convoy will take from Berlin airport to the government district and back. Although it has not yet been officially announced, Erdogan will be subject to a very high security level 1 in the government district, as was the case during his last major visit to Berlin.

"The Berlin police are experienced in dealing with complex operational situations, including visits by heads of state," it said. The security precautions are focused on preparing for the upcoming situation. Erdogan will meet Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and then Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) early on Friday afternoon. The exact time of his departure was not yet known.

It is expected that the police will issue an order for the government district on Friday banning the parking of cars and bicycles. It was not yet known whether snipers will be posted on rooftops, sniffer dogs will search for explosives, police boats will sail up and down the Spree and airspace will be closed, as was the case during the state visit in 2018.

In 2018, Erdogan stayed at the Hotel Adlon at the Brandenburg Gate during his three-day visit. More than 4,000 police officers were deployed and a state of emergency prevailed in the government district. The police spoke of "restrictions on land, at sea and in the air". Heavily armed police officers patrolled between the Chancellery and the Adlon, and armored vehicles could be seen. The measures were comparable to those implemented two years earlier during US President Barack Obama's farewell visit.

This year, the police operation will continue on Saturday. Thousands of Kurds want to demonstrate at midday in support of the banned PKK workers' party and against Erdogan's policies. In the evening, Germany will play Turkey in a friendly soccer match at the Olympic Stadium.

The Head of state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is being granted a high level of security in Berlin's government district due to his visit, akin to his last visit in 2018. For the safety of the Capital city, extensive measures will be taken by the police, including potential sniper posts, searches with sniffer dogs, closed airspace, and increased patrols.




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