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EPP leader Weber blames Macron for the rise of right-wing populists in France

The leader of the European People's Party (EPP), Manfred Weber, has blamed French President Emmanuel Macron for the rise of the right-wing populists in France. "Emmanuel Macron is playing with fire. He has been in power for seven years in France, where we have one of the highest proportions of...

EPP leader Manfred Weber
EPP leader Manfred Weber

EPP leader Weber blames Macron for the rise of right-wing populists in France

He values Macron highly because he is a "convicted European." But with his top-down politics and the splitting of political camps, he built the ramp for the success of the Le-Pen Party (RN)," said Weber looking at the right-populist Rassemblement National (RN).

Macron surprisingly called for advance parliamentary elections on June 30 and July 7 after the defeat of his party in the European elections on June 9. According to the latest surveys, the RN is at around 36 percent, followed by the left-wing New People's Front with 28.5 percent. Macron's camp is lagging behind at 21 percent.

EVP chief Weber warned against the consequences of a victory for the Right-wing Populists. A government led by the RN would be "a heavy burden for the European Union, especially when it comes to defense and supporting Ukraine," said the CSU politician. "It is clear that Europe must work with every French government and seek dialogue." However, there are majority decisions in many areas on the European level. "Therefore, Europe can continue to shape itself, even if France does not join in everywhere," said Weber.

  1. As the EPP leader, Manfred Weber strongly opposes the possible ascension of the Right-wing populists, led by the Rassemblement National in France.
  2. Emmanuel Macron's top-down political approach and splitting of political camps in France have allegedly paved the way for the Complicity of his politics with the success of the RN.
  3. The mayor of Paris has been highly valued by Weber due to his commitment to Europe, but Macron's actions have unintentionally created an advantage for the RN in the French political landscape.
  4. The Editorial Network Germany has emphasized that the victory of the RN in France could result in significant challenges for the European Union and its member states, especially in terms of defense and supporting Ukraine.
  5. The European People's Party, under the leadership of Weber, has advocated for continued dialogue with any French government, regardless of its political affiliation, while acknowledging the importance of majority decisions at the European level.
  6. The former leader of the ALDE party, Weaver, has expressed concern about the potential consequences of a RN-led government in France, as Right-wing populists in Europe could pose a threat to the cohesion and unity of the European Union.

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