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Environmental organization starts boat tour for agricultural transformation

Once a year, the environmental organization Robin Wood draws attention to a specific theme with a raft tour. This year, it is about soybean cultivation and livestock farming.

Soy for animal feed, according to the environmental organization Robin Wood, comes too often from...
Soy for animal feed, according to the environmental organization Robin Wood, comes too often from deforestation in South America.

Ecology - Environmental organization starts boat tour for agricultural transformation

The environmental organization Robin Wood demonstrates with a two-week raft tour from Magdeburg to Hannover for an agricultural transition. Millions of cows, chickens and pigs are fed soy in this country to produce cheap and fast meat, the organization stated. Most of the soy is grown monoculturally in South America. People are being evicted from their land there, tropical forests are being cleared and rich grasslands and wetlands are being destroyed.

In a petition to Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir and Lower Saxony Agriculture Minister Miriam Staudte (both Greens), organizations Robin Wood and Action Agriculture call for a strengthening of local hulled fruit cultivation. Robin Wood has been leading a raft tour every summer for 25 years on various environmental themes.

  1. The demonstration by Robin Wood, an environmental organization, took place along a two-week raft journey from Magdeburg to Hannover, advocating for an agricultural transition in Saxony-Anhalt and Germany.
  2. Robin Wood, known for their summer raft tours on environmental themes for the past 25 years, joined forces with Action Agriculture to petition lower authorities for the promotion of local hulled fruit cultivation.
  3. The environmental politics advocated by Robin Wood and Action Agriculture in their petition to Minister Cem Özdemir and Miriam Staudte of Lower Saxony aim to reduce the reliance on imported soy, primarily from South America, used for animal feed in Germany.
  4. Minimal changes in Germany's agricultural practices, as suggested by Robin Wood and their allies, could greatly benefit the environment by reducing deforestation and wildlife displacement in South American regions impacted by monoculture soy farming.
  5. As part of the environmental organization's mission, Robin Wood has brought attention to the negative environmental impacts of intensive animal farming in Germany, with a focus on the high consumption of soy feed for raising cows, pigs, and chickens.
  6. In addition to their initiatives on agricultural transition, Robin Wood has extended their influence to neighboring regions in Lower Saxony, working alongside cities like Hannover to promote sustainable farming practices and diminish the environmental footprint of the livestock industry.

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