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Environmental associations want to prevent lifts on Tyrolean glaciers

Several nature conservation associations want to prevent plans to develop a glacier area in the Austrian Kaunertal. They applied to the Tyrolean state government to extend the "Ötztal Alps" quiet zone and thus protect the "largest contiguous glacier area in Austria around the Weißseespitze and...

According to a UN report, climate change accelerated rapidly in the warmest decade in
According to a UN report, climate change accelerated rapidly in the warmest decade in recorded history from 2011 to 2020.

Tourism - Environmental associations want to prevent lifts on Tyrolean glaciers

Several nature conservation associations want to prevent plans to develop a glacier area in the Austrian Kaunertal. They applied to the Tyrolean state government to extend the "Ötztal Alps" quiet zone and thus protect the "largest contiguous glacier area in Austria around the Weißseespitze and the upper part of the Gepatschferner", according to a press release issued by WWF Austria, the Austrian and German Alpine Associations and Naturefriends on Thursday. The nature conservation organizations are thus opposing plans to expand the Kaunertal Glacier ski area to include areas of the Gepatschferner.

The approximately 3.3 square kilometer area to the east of the 3518-metre-high Weißseespitze, including the highest glacier areas of the Gepatschferner in the rear Kaunertal, is still not protected, the associations criticized. According to the associations, two ski lifts and 13 hectares of new pistes are planned. "This is a completely untouched east alpine summit area," said a spokesperson. As reported by the Tiroler Tageszeitung newspaper, an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is likely to be necessary. A decision should be made by February.

Press release

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