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Environmental aid against landside LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel

The LNG terminal ship "Hoegh Gannet" has been moored in the port of Brunsbüttel since January 2023. A landside liquefied natural gas terminal is also planned. The environmental organization is taking action against this.

The environmental organization Umwelthilfe is taking action against the planned LNG terminal in...
The environmental organization Umwelthilfe is taking action against the planned LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel.

Energy supply - Environmental aid against landside LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel

The German Environmental Aid has taken initial legal steps against the permit for the land-based LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminal planned in Schleswig-Holstein, Brunsbüttel. In an objection, the responsible environmental authority in Schleswig-Holstein is requested to reject the permit for the terminal and instead focus more on the expansion of renewable energies, as reported by DUH. The project is in direct contradiction to the declared and constitutionally required climate goals.

"We are opposing the application of German LNG Terminal GmbH for the granting of a permit for the LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel because there is simply no economic need for this fossil megaproject," says DUH Federal Managing Director Sascha Müller-Kraenner. He demands the responsible authorities to reject the permit. "Otherwise, we will take all political and legal measures against this unnecessary megaproject."

Preparatory measures for the construction of the terminal in Brunsbüttel have been underway since March, including earthworks. The terminal in Brunsbüttel is expected to begin regular operation early in 2027. There is also a floating LNG terminal located there. Since January 2023, the terminal ship "Hoegh Gannet" has been moored there.

  1. The contention by Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (DUH) revolves around the proposed LNG terminal, which will utilize liquefied natural gas (LNG), situated in Brunsbüttel, Schleswig-Holstein.
  2. The LNG terminal, overseen by German LNG Terminal GmbH, contravenes the stated and constitutionally mandated climate objectives, as asserted by environmental groups and experts.
  3. In response to the situation, German Environmental Aid has initiated legal challenges against the terminal's permit in Schleswig-Holstein.
  4. The objection from German Environmental Aid highlights the absence of economic necessity for the fossil-fuel-reliant megaproject and advocates for the prioritization of expanding renewable energy sources instead.
  5. Since March, preparatory work for the LNG terminal's construction in Brunsbüttel has been underway, encompassing activities like earthworks.
  6. The terminal in Brunsbüttel is projected to commence regular operation at the beginning of 2027, and it currently features a floating LNG terminal with the terminal ship "Hoegh Gannet" moored since January 2023.

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