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Environmental Agency urges public vigilance against Asian hornets.

The Asian hornet, a non-native insect species, has been residing in Germany for some time. However, it remains uncertain if they have established a presence in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

An Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) is held by a biologist with a glove.
An Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) is held by a biologist with a glove.

Creatures Are on the Move - Environmental Agency urges public vigilance against Asian hornets.

The State Environment, Conservation and Geology Agency (LUNG) of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is seeking the public's assistance in expanding their knowledge about Asian hornets. If you notice an animal resembling this invasive species, please report it right away, as announced by the LUNG MV. You can log your observation through the Ahlert-North online portal, preferably with a photo attached. It remains unclear if these hornets have set up residence in MV yet.

You can identify an Asian hornet by its predominantly black body and yellow legs. They are smaller than native hornets and less reddish in color. Their stings aren't more painful or dangerous compared to those of bees or wasps.

No concrete evidence of the presence of these hornets in MV has been verified as of yet. However, there has been a significant increase in reported sightings in southwestern Germany since 2014. Asian hornets are said to have made their way to Europe in 2004, likely through ship imports from China.

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