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Environmental activists encounter hostility in Würzburg once more.

In a follow-up event to a previous incident, Green Party campaign workers were harassed in Würzburg on Saturday. According to a police report released on Wednesday, a 53-year-old man first verbally accosted an election worker and then menaced him. There was also a physical altercation with a...

A police officer stands in front of a police vehicle.
A police officer stands in front of a police vehicle.

Illicit activities - Environmental activists encounter hostility in Würzburg once more.

About a week ago, in Würzburg, a four-member group targeted Green Party volunteers with harassment. One of the group members verbally abused a volunteer and tore down two posters.

Law enforcement response: [police statement]

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In light of the ongoing environmental activism in Bavaria, a local Crime Watch group in Würzburg has reportedly shown hostility towards Green Party volunteers, even resorting to tearing down posters. Consequently, there has been growing concern among voters in the upcoming local UNDERFRONT elections about the increase in political aggression.




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