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Environment Ministry against longer LNG construction work

Despite reservations, work on the LNG pipeline in the Greifswald Bodden is still to be allowed in January and February. Criticism of an official draft is growing.

In the spawning area - Environment Ministry against longer LNG construction work

The Schwerin Ministry of the Environment has criticized the looming approval for extended construction work in the Greifswald Bodden in connection with the Rügen liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. "The Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Ministry of the Environment has considerable reservations about extending the construction window," a spokeswoman for the ministry said on Thursday. "Shifting the construction work to the period from January to the end of February is of considerable importance for the spawning of herring." This includes the migration and accumulation of the fish.

A draft permit published by the Stralsund Mining Authority on Thursday provides for an extension of the construction period for the LNG terminal's connection pipeline. According to the document, the gas network operator Gascade is also permitted to carry out restoration work on the seabed in and off the Greifswald Bodden in January and February. Reservations by the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, the State Office for Agriculture, Food Safety and Fisheries (Lallf) and the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve Office regarding possible effects on the spawning of herring are rejected as unfounded.

The Ministry of the Environment, on the other hand, is convinced that adverse effects on spawning cannot be ruled out with certainty. The measures would run counter to the recommendations of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. The aim is to exclude additional stress factors for the animals. Work in the period from January to February could be just such a stress factor. Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) has repeatedly emphasized the need to maintain the construction window and pointed out the herring's sensitive spawning and migration area.

The mining authority stated that until a final decision is made at the beginning of January, the approval published on Thursday remains a draft without any actual legal consequences.

Communication from the mining authority Draft approval

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