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Environment Minister Lemke intends to introduce a new law for flood protection.

Amid the severe flooding in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) has declared the need for a new flood protection law in Germany. The minister stated, "It is evident that we need to enhance our defenses against the ramifications of the climate...

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens).
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens).

Overflowing Water: Extensive Flooding - Environment Minister Lemke intends to introduce a new law for flood protection.

There's a new proposed regulation that affects several aspects, including building and water laws as well as handling rain emergencies. The text also mentions regulations intended to speed up flood protection measures. These proposals are being analyzed in the leading Federal Environment Ministry with a plan to pass the bill this year.

Although Lemke stressed the urgency for action, both in Germany and globally, heavy rain and flooding are becoming more common and severe. To minimize damage, the country needs robust dikes, prepared emergency teams, and prompt disaster control. To prevent future disasters, abundant nature and unspoiled floodplains are crucial. Natural flood mitigation strategies, such as relocating dikes, can help manage floods and reduce river levels.

Despite the proactive approach, Lemke emphasized the current priority is disaster management amidst the serious situation. Rescue parties, volunteers, and all forces involved are doing a remarkable job in the affected areas, according to her. Her thoughts go out to the relatives of victims and those unaccounted for.

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