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Environment Minister Endorses Proposed Wolf Hunting Plan

In response to multiple sheep deaths along the Elbe dyke in Stade district, the State Ministry for the Environment intends to aid the district in its plan to hunt a wolf. The ministry has revealed that a specific permit has been issued for this purpose. "I warmly applaud this action by Stade...

A wolf stands in the enclosure in the bison enclosure in Springe.
A wolf stands in the enclosure in the bison enclosure in Springe.

The area known as Stade District - Environment Minister Endorses Proposed Wolf Hunting Plan

The formation of this district takes into consideration recent legal precedent set by the Lüneburg Administrative Court, which clarified that confiscations aren't always illegal so long as they're justified. Here, the protection of the livestock isn't just a priority, but the need to maintain the dike for flood and coastal safety is also at stake, as urged by Meyer. "Maintaining flood and coastal protection through sheep on the dike is my utmost concern," stated the minister.

His office has aided the district and has determined that the wolf population would not be adversely affected by the confiscation of a wolf. Now, we'll have to observe how the legal system responds to any potential legal challenges. Sheep herding along the dikes is vital for upkeep and management, insisted the official.

Near the end of April and beginning of March, several dead sheep were discovered on Hahnöfersand, an island by the Elbe that belongs to Jork municipality. These unfortunate animals were discovered murdered, most likely by a wolf. The sheep were kept within a fence over a meter high on the dike adjacent to the Elbe.

District official speaks about the recent wolf-related sheep confiscation in April Environment Ministry

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