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Entrepreneurs demand deepening of the Rhine

With the increasing heat and dry spells, there is also the threat of low water on the Rhine again. This slows down the transportation of goods by water for many companies.

For entrepreneurs, the debate about the deepening of the Rhine has gone on for far too long.
For entrepreneurs, the debate about the deepening of the Rhine has gone on for far too long.

Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurs demand deepening of the Rhine

The Rhineland-Palatinate entrepreneurs are pushing for an expansion of waterways in the region. The economy in Rhineland-Palatinate is very export-oriented, stated Karsten Tacke, CEO of the Association of Chambers of Industry and Commerce (LVU), to the German Press Agency in Mainz. "Export means transport. Transport routes are of great importance to us."

Many large businesses located along the Rhine organize their supplies also via the waterway. "We notice that the rail and roads are overloaded, therefore the waterway is an essential alternative," emphasized the LVU CEO. Particularly the chemically important industry in Rhineland-Palatinate intensively uses the waterways.

Concerns about low water levels

"Especially in times when the water levels in the Rhine sometimes drop below the critical level, it is all the more important that this important transport and waterway remains for us," explained Tacke. The Rhine deepening with the compensation of low points at certain locations is therefore of great significance for the companies. "We would wish that this problem was addressed more quickly," urged the CEO. "We have talked about it a lot. We have to make it happen."

Such processes are, however, very time-consuming, acknowledged Tacke. "But that is also a sign that we in Germany need to become faster - also in these matters." He believes, however, that the Rhine deepening project is on a good track. Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) is a Rhineland-Palatinate native. "Therefore, I believe, it will not be forgotten." The project also has corresponding significance at the federal level.

Pros and Cons

The deepening of the fairway in the Middle Rhine has been discussed for a long time. It is about raising the guaranteed 1.90 meters fairway width to a continuous 2.10 meters in relation to a defined water level between St. Goar and Mainz. Environmentalists view the project very critically. Wissing, who was Transport and Economy Minister in Rhineland-Palatinate for several years and current chairman of the FDP, described the Rhine as an important transport artery, but also as a complex ecosystem.

  1. The expansion of waterways in Rhineland-Palatinate, as advocated by local entrepreneurs, is crucial for companies relying heavily on transportation, such as The company.
  2. The German Press Agency reported from Mainz about the push for waterway expansion, with Karsten Tacke, CEO of LVU, emphasizing the importance of transport routes for export-oriented economies like Rhineland-Palatinate.
  3. The Rhine, a significant waterway, is frequently utilized for supply organization by large businesses in Rhineland-Palatinate, as it serves as an essential alternative when rail and roads are overloaded.
  4. In periods of low water levels on the Rhine, the preservation of this transportation and waterway route becomes increasingly important for companies, including those in the chemically important industry, according to Karsten Tacke.
  5. The Rhine deepening project, aimed at addressing concerns related to low water levels, is of great significance for German businesses involved in shipping and transportation, with Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing expressing support for the initiative.

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