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Enjoyable summer period for bats - "Bat Weekend" events scheduled.

Benevolent weather conditions have favored bats in Thuringia this year, contrasting with the previous one. Opportunities abound for individuals eager to expand their knowledge about these creatures and potentially interact with them, as an event is scheduled for this weekend.

August 24th is likewise recognized as a bat's special day in Thuringia, providing numerous...
August 24th is likewise recognized as a bat's special day in Thuringia, providing numerous occasions to explore these night-dwelling creatures.

- Enjoyable summer period for bats - "Bat Weekend" events scheduled.

The favorable summer climate in Thuringia is benefitting bat populations. "Luckily, it hasn't been excessively dry, and we've had brief heatwaves instead of prolonged ones; this weather is perfect for the animals," commented Martin Biedermann, head of the Bat Protection and Research Interest Group in Thuringia.

Previously, an early-August cold snap had posed challenges for young bats, making it hard for them to fly. "This led to them struggling to find food," Biedermann clarified. In contrast, a strong heatwave some years prior had caused young bats to leave their heated roosts in search of cooler air, leading to some of them falling out.

Support for bats

Over 20 protected bat species are present in Thuringia, as per experts. Biedermann pointed out the little big-eared bat as a positive example, with its population on the rise due to efforts by voluntary bat protectors, backed by the Ministry of the Environment, implementing protective measures at their roosts.

Homeowners and building occupants can contribute to bat conservation by offering roosts on their buildings. The Bat Foundation provides guidance, and in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, honors "bat-friendly" homes with a plaque. Biedermann estimates that approximately 1,600 such plaques have been awarded.

Bat Night event on Saturday

Various locations in Thuringia will provide insights into bat roosts, as well as relaying bat-related information and activities, this Saturday. The nature conservation association NABU is organizing numerous events for the international Bat Night on August 24. Events are planned in Zella-Mehlis, Erfurt, Dosdorf near Arnstadt, Leinefelde-Worbis, Weimar, Gotha, Jena, Bad Langensalza, and Erfurt-Mittelhausen.

Despite the various challenges faced by bat populations, the 'Other' favorable summer climate in Thuringia has significantly aided their survival. This year, the moderate weather conditions have allowed for a smoother transition for young bats, reducing the struggle for food and roosting.

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