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Enhanced living conditions underway for Tegel's refugee shelters.

The State Office for Refugee Affairs aims to enhance living conditions for refugees and asylum seekers in Tegel, but continually facing the issue of limited accommodations.

Zwei Mitarbeiter einer Sicherheitsfirma gehen durch den großen Aufenthaltsraum im Ankunftszentrum...
Zwei Mitarbeiter einer Sicherheitsfirma gehen durch den großen Aufenthaltsraum im Ankunftszentrum Tegel.

Relocation of Population - Enhanced living conditions underway for Tegel's refugee shelters.

The State Office for Refugee Affairs in Berlin, LAF, is aiming to enhance living conditions at the refugee accommodation in Tegel in the next few weeks. This update includes splitting up living spaces and providing more privacy areas, as mentioned by LAF president Mark Seibert during a tour of the arrival center. Fences and wire barriers will be taken down whenever possible. Furthermore, concrete surfaces will be replaced with greenery and communication with residents will be boosted.

Additionally, LAF aims to establish around 1,000 more spaces at the previous airport site by year's end, marking the last possible expansion of refugee accommodations in Berlin. At this location, refugees from Ukraine coexist with asylum seekers. Currently, over 4,600 spots are filled, primarily by Ukrainian refugees, leaving 2,000 available.

Addressing insufficient spaces in Berlin

Reducing occupancy rate is considered the primary solution by Seibert. On average, 14 refugees are accommodated in double-decker beds on 15 square meters, he revealed. The LAF intends to decrease this number, potentially housing 10 or 8 people in bunk beds in the future, which would significantly enhance conditions for an estimated 350 individuals, especially families. These designated sleeping areas are separated within the halls by temporary partitions.

This transformation is achievable, Seibert added, given that the LAF does not have to shut down any other shelters that were previously considered for closure. To decrease occupancy levels in other halls, the city desperately needs more refuges spaces for refugees and asylum seekers. If the occupancy rate in all halls is reduced, 2,500 places could no longer be available. Consequently, "it's crucial that the city works with us to create more spaces. If those 2,500 spots disappeared tomorrow, I'd have nowhere left for newcomers."

Enhanced communication with residents

The LAF already allows residents to lodge complaints and make suggestions, and details about future adjustments have been communicated at various language-specific information evenings. A Telegram channel will be launched for Ukrainian refugees within a few weeks to keep them better informed on center developments.

LAF plans to utilize the Tegel site for accommodating refugees until 2025. Berlin expects to set up 5,000 to 6,000 refugee and asylum seeker spaces by year's end, with Seibert emphasizing that to prevent large refugee accommodations like Tegel, refugees should be hosted more frequently in different districts of the city.

Read also:

  1. The State Office for Refugee Affairs in Berlin is also focusing on Social Affairs, aiming to improve living conditions for Ukrainian refugees and asylum seekers cohabiting at Tegel's refugee accommodations.
  2. To address the lack of refugee accommodation in Berlin, the State Office is exploring the possibility of establishing additional 1,000 living spaces in Tegel before the end of the year.
  3. In an effort to boost communication with refugees, the State Office will launch a Telegram channel specifically for Ukrainian refugees, enabling them to stay updated on center developments.
  4. To prevent the need for large refugee accommodations like Tegel and ensure better integration, the State Office recommends hosting refugees more frequently in various districts of the city.




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