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Enhanced insurance protection against natural disasters.

In autumn, a storm surge in the Baltic Sea caused considerable harm, including to Schleswig-Holstein. The state authorities aim to enhance insurance coverage for similar hazards.

Destroyed beach chairs lie on the beach of the Baltic Sea after a storm surge.
Destroyed beach chairs lie on the beach of the Baltic Sea after a storm surge.

The federal state of Schleswig-Holstein is undergoing renovations. - Enhanced insurance protection against natural disasters.

Schleswig-Holstein is advocating for improved insurance coverage against natural disasters at the upcoming Consumer Protection Minister Conference starting tomorrow. The East Sea storm surge in the fall of last year and recent weather events in southern Germany demonstrate that anyone can be affected by natural disasters, according to Jana Ohlhoff, spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture's consumer protection office in Kiel. "Yet, many people are unaware that damages resulting from these natural disasters are only covered if a natural disaster insurance has been acquired."

Common misconceptions about insurance coverage and gaps caused by uninsurable risks put consumers at risk. One of Schleswig-Holstein's three proposals at the conference aims to help develop regulations for comprehensive coverage.

Furthermore, with a second proposal, consumers would be better protected against unwanted contracts in the future. This would involve providing a clear and easily understood contract summary in written form for all types of agreements - for instance, magazine subscriptions - at the conclusion of contracts. This is currently only required for insurance and telecommunication services.

The state government is also seeking to increase security in digital payment transactions by promoting uniform and barrier-free digital payment instruments. Ohlhoff explained that consumers are frequently targeted by scammers or fraudsters who either manipulate trust or take advantage of modern payment authentication systems.

Read also:

  1. The federal government should consider implementing nationwide natural disaster insurance policies, as seen in Schleswig-Holstein's renovations, to ensure adequate coverage for all residents in the face of such hazards in other federal states, like Southern Germany.
  2. Consumers in Schleswig-Holstein have been encouraged to acquire natural disaster insurance cover following the East Sea storm surge, recognizing that they could likely face similar natural hazards, as demonstrated by recent events in southern Germany.
  3. The Federal Government should explore the possibility of legislating comprehensive insurance coverage across the nation, building upon the proposals by Schleswig-Holstein at the Consumer Protection Minister Conference.
  4. Despite the improvement of insurance protection against natural disasters in Schleswig-Holstein, it is crucial for other federal states like Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany, to also consider enhancing their insurance coverage policies to mitigate potential damage from natural hazards.



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