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EnBW does not have to remove district heating network after BGH ruling

According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), the energy company EnBW does not have to dismantle the facilities of the Stuttgart district heating network. In this respect, the Senate ruled differently than the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (OLG), said the presiding judge...

Pipes can be seen in front of the EnBW logo at the EnBW power plant in Stuttgart-Münster.
Pipes can be seen in front of the EnBW logo at the EnBW power plant in Stuttgart-Münster.

Federal Court of Justice - EnBW does not have to remove district heating network after BGH ruling

According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), the energy company EnBW does not have to dismantle the facilities of the Stuttgart district heating network. In this respect, the Senate ruled differently than the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (OLG), said the presiding judge Wolfgang Kirchhoff on Tuesday in Karlsruhe. In addition, the Cartel Senate confirmed the decisions of the lower courts with regard to the question of who owns the district heating network, among other things. Accordingly, EnBW is the owner. The state capital could not demand the transfer of ownership of the network. (Ref. KZR 101/20)

The reason for the dispute was a contract that expired in 2013 and was never renewed. On this basis, EnBW had laid the district heating network and continued to expand it to its current 218 kilometers - mostly on municipal land.

The state capital had sued the energy supplier for the transfer of ownership of the facilities, among other things. This had already been rejected by the previous instances; the BGH did not change this either. However, in 2020, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart ordered the Karlsruhe-based energy company to dismantle the plants in case of doubt. This is now off the table.

Statement from the court

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