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Employment: Highest annual average since 1990

After the coronavirus-induced slump in 2020, employment in Germany continues to grow. There are more jobs in the service sector in particular.

More people are working in Germany - more than at any time since reunification.
More people are working in Germany - more than at any time since reunification.

Labor market - Employment: Highest annual average since 1990

The number of people in employment in Germany rose again last year. 45.9 million was the highest annual average since reunification in 1990, according to the Federal Statistical Office based on preliminary estimates. Compared to the previous record year of 2022, the number of people in employment grew again by 0.7%.

Following the coronavirus-related slump in 2020, employment has thus grown for the third year in a row. According to the Federal Office, people from Germany increased their participation in the workforce and additional workers came from abroad. Including the approximately 1.3 million unemployed (-0.7% compared to 2022), 47.1 million people were available on the German labor market according to internationally comparable standards. This was 0.7 percent more than in the previous year.

Nine out of ten of the additional jobs were created in the service sector (+0.9%), while there was less growth in manufacturing (+0.3%) and construction (+0.6%). In agriculture, forestry and fishing, the negative trend of previous years continued with a further decline of 0.4%. The number of self-employed persons and family workers fell for the twelfth year in a row. Their number fell by around 30,000 people or 0.8% from the previous year to 3.9 million.

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