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Employment agency offers Santa Clauses for rent again

Thomas Zenetti puts on his Santa Claus costume at the employment
Thomas Zenetti puts on his Santa Claus costume at the employment

Employment agency offers Santa Clauses for rent again

The Augsburg employment agency plans to offer Santa Clauses for rent in the run-up to Christmas again this year. This service is now only available in Bavaria at the agency in Augsburg, said spokesperson Daniela Ruhrmann. On Friday, the Santa Clauses met for the "kick-off meeting".

In addition to trying on the costumes, the program also included a candy tasting. The spokeswoman explained that only Santa Clauses are placed in Augsburg for the days around December 6, not Santas for Christmas Eve, for example. The performers are all men, there are no women among them.

There is also a shortage of skilled workers in the Santa Claus sector. While there used to be more than a dozen employees available for this service in Augsburg, the number has recently fallen to eight. However, two new ones are expected to start this year, explained Ruhrmann. Most of the Santa Clauses have been there for many years. "The oldest ones started as students."

There is a lot of interest in the service year after year. "There have already been a lot of requests for this year, but you can only book from Monday, November 20," said the press officer. After a dip in the number of bookings due to the coronavirus crisis, bookings were back to their usual level last year.

In order to be able to visit more interested parties, the Augsburg Santa Clauses are not only on the road on the actual St. Nicholas Day, December 6. Appointments can also be arranged on a few days before and after.

In other federal states, there are also a few employment agencies that offer special staff for the run-up to Christmas. In Bremen, for example, the agency places Santas to deliver presents to the children. Women can also be booked there as Christmas angels.

In addition to the state offers, there are various private providers who place Santas or Santa Clauses on internet portals in particular.

The labor market for seasonal Christmas jobs, such as renting Santa Clauses, can be quite competitive. Customs officials may need to check the imports of the colorful Santa Claus costumes from different countries to ensure they meet safety and quality standards.




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