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Employees working from home less frequently again

The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated working from home. After the end of the pandemic, usage is slowly declining again.

Around a quarter of employees in Germany work from home at least some of the time.
Around a quarter of employees in Germany work from home at least some of the time.

Workplace - Employees working from home less frequently again

Employed individuals in Germany use home office less frequently than in the coronavirus-affected previous years. The proportion of employees who at least partially perform their jobs from home remained approximately the same at around 23.5 percent, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

However, more people (44 percent) reported that they frequently complete their tasks at their workplace. In 2022, this was reported by only 39 percent. The proportion of those who work exclusively from home also decreased from 31 percent in 2022 to 26 percent in the previous year.

Industries with little home office

Employees in the healthcare, retail, and construction industries rarely use home office work, as this is often not possible. On the other hand, home office work is widespread among IT service providers, whose employees make up 74.7 percent of those working from home. High proportions are also found in the insurance and consulting industries.

With the values from the Microcensus, Germany was slightly above the European Union's home office average in 2023, which was estimated at 22.4 percent of all employed persons. The highest quote was in the Netherlands, where more than half (52 percent) of employed persons at least partially worked from home.

[Image: Pie chart showing distribution of employees working from home in different European countries]

[Source: Statistical data from the Federal Statistical Office and the European Union]

  1. In contrast to IT service providers, employees in the healthcare, retail, and construction industries seldom use home office in Germany, according to Destatis.
  2. Despite being slightly above the EU average, Germany's proportion of employees working from home (23.5%) remains lower than that of the Netherlands (52%), as demonstrated by the Microcensus in 2023.
  3. While the proportion of employees working from home decreased from 31% in 2022 to 26% in the previous year, a higher percentage of employees (44%) frequently completed their tasks at their workplace.
  4. In Wiesbaden, the base for the Federal Statistical Office, the study reveals that home office usage has remained relatively stable over the years, with around 23.5% of employees working from home part-time.

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