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Emma and Noah are the most popular first names in the north in 2023

People born in the north also like to be given Nordic names. Leevke, Momme, Rune, Fiete and Liv, for example. But they are not among the most popular first names in 2023. Not yet?

In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.
In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.

Many parents in the north have named their newborn children Emma and Noah this year. These two names top the list of the most popular first names in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, according to the ranking published on Friday by name expert Knud Bielefeld, which is available to the German Press Agency. The other top names for girls are Emilia, Lia, Ella and Mia. The boys' names are Liam, Matteo, Levi and Mats. Emilia and Noah are at the top nationwide.

Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein are considered to be much more modern than federal states in the south when it comes to choosing names. One reason for this is the geographical proximity to Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Accordingly, names such as Leevke, Lönne, Momme, Rune, Smilla and Ylva are much more common in Schleswig-Holstein. In Hamburg, children are also often called Alva, Carl, Carlotta, Fiete, Jonte and Liv. It is not uncommon for the north to be a trendsetter: for example, the name Fiete is already in 6th place in the statistics for Schleswig-Holstein, said Bielefeld. "And it's already taking Germany by storm. That's another candidate that could soon be in the top 10 everywhere."

For the nationwide analysis, Bielefeld drew on 280,000 birth registrations from registry offices and maternity clinics in 412 cities. This corresponds to around 40 percent of babies born in Germany. The Society for the German Language also publishes similar first name statistics - but later than Knud Bielefeld.

Knud Bielefeld - Popular first names Birth statistics from the Federal Statistical Office Most popular first names according to the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache Twitter account of Knud Bielefeld

Read also:

  1. Despite the popularity of Emma and Noah in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, the colorful names Leevke, Lönne, Momme, Rune, Smilla, and Ylva are more common in Schleswig-Holstein due to its geographical proximity to Scandinavian countries.
  2. In Hamburg, children are often given the first names Alva, Carl, Carlotta, Fiete, Jonte, and Liv, reflecting the city's unique naming trends.
  3. According to Bielefeld, the name Fiete is currently in 6th place in the statistics for Schleswig-Holstein and is gaining popularity across Germany, potentially reaching the top 10 nationwide.
  4. Bielefeld, a renowned name expert, drew on 280,000 birth registrations from registry offices and maternity clinics in 412 cities to conduct his nationwide analysis, covering approximately 40% of babies born in Germany.
  5. The German Press Agency released the ranking of the most popular first names in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, which was compiled by Bielefeld and revealed Emma and Noah at the top of the list for girls and boys respectively.
  6. At the turn of the year, families in cities like Ahrensburg, Bielefeld, and Hamburg will likely consider the popular first names as they prepare to name their newborn children.


