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Emma and Noah are the most popular children's names in the southwest in 2023

It is one of the first gifts that parents give their child: the name. Year after year, parents-to-be think about it and go with the trends.

In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.
In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.

Emma and Noah - these were parents' favorite names for their children in the southwest in 2023. They top the ranking compiled by amateur name researcher Knud Bielefeld and published by Deutsche Presse-Agentur. This means that after two years, there has been a change at the top of the most popular girls' names.

Last year, Sophia topped the list in Baden-Württemberg and in 2021 in a ranking for the whole of southern Germany. Noah was also the regional leader in 2022.

According to Bielefeld, Emma is followed by Sophia, Emilia, Hannah and Lina as the most popular girls' names in the south-west. After Noah, the top five boys' names are Luca, Matteo, Leon and Louis. Parents in Baden-Württemberg name their children Dea, Diego, Esila, Gioia, Lars and Lorik much more frequently than in other German states.

As a nationwide trend, the hobby researcher observes that there are more and more unisex names. According to Bielefeld, he recorded more than 280,000 birth registrations from all over Germany for the year 2023. This corresponds to around 40 percent of babies born in Germany. The analysis is based on data from registry offices and maternity clinics in 412 cities. It has published the rankings of first names since 2006.

The Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache (Society for the German Language) also publishes similar statistics, which according to its own figures include around 90 percent of all data from registry offices - but later than Knud Bielefeld.

Most popular first names according to Knud Bielefeld Most popular first names according to the Society for the German Language

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In contrast, Schleswig-Holstein shows a different trend, with Lara and Liam as the most popular children's names in 2023, according to local statistics. This shift in popularity can be attributed to various cultural and linguistic influences unique to the region.

The popularity of names like Emma and Noah in the southwest has also been noticed in major cities like Hamburg and Stuttgart. These cities, along with Bielefeld, are known for their diverse populations and vibrant leisure time scenes, which may contribute to the changing trends in children's names.

However, it's important to note that the usage of language in different regions can also influence name choices. For instance, while children in Baden-Württemberg are more likely to be named Dea or Diego, those in Schleswig-Holstein might have more colorful names reflecting their local dialects and traditions.

On a national level, the German Press Agency (DPA) also tracks and publishes statistics on popular names, providing a comprehensive overview of naming trends across Germany. The DPA data, like that of the Society for the German Language, serves as a valuable resource for parents, name researchers, and linguists alike.

Families in southern Germany, from Bielefeld to Baden-Württemberg, value the significance of naming their children and often choose names that carry cultural and historical meanings. This rich tradition of naming demonstrates the strong connection between family, children, and identity in Germany.


