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Emergency responders scour the waterbody in quest of a serpent.

Upon receiving a tip-off, firefighters are dispatched to a peculiar situation: Is a rare snake possibly escaped into a nearby lake?

Firefighting team's animal rescue endeavor at Pfordter Lake currently unsuccessful; searching for a...
Firefighting team's animal rescue endeavor at Pfordter Lake currently unsuccessful; searching for a reptilian creature, presumed to be a snake.

- Emergency responders scour the waterbody in quest of a serpent.

At first, firefighters struggled to locate a supposedly alluring serpent in a lake situated in the Vogelsberg district. According to the town of Schlitz, there was an earlier claim of possibly spotting it. A herpetologist joined the firefighters in their quest. The cozy town of Schlitz put up notices at the Pfordter See: "Total swimming prohibition! Risk in the water zone!" However, the recreational lake had been closed for swimming since September 1st, as reported by other news sources.

During the search, the herpetologist suggested an immediate evacuation due to potential danger if the serpent was indeed present. Upon hearing about the lake closure, the town mayor declared an emergency meeting to discuss the situation.

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