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Emergency responders save individuals caught in flood waters

Inundation in Ebersbach: torrential downpour leads to stream overflow. Water reaches three meters on certain streets. Several individuals are currently being held captive by the deluge.

A car is parked on a flooded road.
A car is parked on a flooded road.

Göppingen: City in Focus - Emergency responders save individuals caught in flood waters

In Ebersbach an der Fils, firefighters saved over eleven individuals from being submerged by the floods. A few others managed to safely flee with the help of neighbors. Accordi ng to an official from Göppingen district, this occurred on a Monday night. Some roads were inundated up to three meters, while numerous buildings were emptied out. There were no serious injuries reported, according to the most recent updates.

The reason behind the rescue mission was the Stream Sulpach: Due to an intense downpour, it became a violent river and inundated various roads in a residential area. Rescuers were concerned for the well-being of the inhabitants inhabiting there. Numerous emergency calls had been placed. However, the level of the water had increased so quickly and the current was so strong that the local fire department was unable to safely relocate them in time.

Since the fire house also was submerged, swift-water rescue teams from the Stuttgart fire department were enlisted to access the trapped individuals.

Five folks that had requested assistance could not be contacted by the rescue teams. This was worrying. Since no one had been listed as missing as of Monday afternoon, it was assumed they were secure.

The district administration had proclaimed an unprecedented state of emergency on Sunday night due to the floods. At first, it was unclear how many people were affected overall. An emergency shelter was established to house several hundred people. It was initially unclear how many individuals actually took refuge there.

The flooding also broke through sound barriers on the federal highway in the town to the south of Stuttgart, drowning the roadways. The railway line from Göppingen to Ebersbach was likewise momentarily halted. Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) was due to acquire a grasp of the situation in Ebersbach in the evening.

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