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Emergency care in the state parliament not for politicians' children for the time being

Many MPs now bring their children to the plenary session of the state parliament when, for example, the daycare center is closed. To help them, the state parliament is planning emergency childcare. This is now starting - but not yet for the children of MPs.

Children's coats and bags hanging in the hallway of a daycare center.
Children's coats and bags hanging in the hallway of a daycare center.

Members of Parliament Act - Emergency care in the state parliament not for politicians' children for the time being

From January 1, there will be emergency childcare for children in the Düsseldorf state parliament on plenary days. However, the facility will initially only be open for the offspring of employees, not for the children of MPs. This was confirmed by a spokesperson for the state parliament on request. The reason for this is a pending amendment to the Members of Parliament Act.

Background: In December, the parliamentary groups in the state parliament had not yet been able to agree on all the changes to the Members of Parliament Act as planned. This is why, for example, the administrative fine for disorderly politicians will not yet come into force in January. The package also includes the legal basis for the new emergency care service, which will be open on plenary days.

If the new Members of Parliament Act is passed in January, politicians' children will be able to attend the childcare facility in February. No legal regulation is required for parliamentary staff, meaning that their daughters and sons will be able to attend the plenary daycare center from the beginning of the year. It will offer space for up to ten children.

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