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Elizabeth Banks: I almost choked on a pea.

The American actress recounts a frightening situation when she was eating lunch alone in her trailer. Fortunately, someone happened to be nearby, she says in an interview.

- Elizabeth Banks: I almost choked on a pea.

American actress Elizabeth Banks ("Pitch Perfect") recently revealed that she was saved from choking by the Heimlich maneuver. While on the set of her new thriller "Skincare," she accidentally inhaled a pea during lunch, the 50-year-old shared on the U.S. show "Good Morning America." "I couldn't breathe at all, and it was terrifying."

At the time, Banks said she was alone in her trailer. "I burst out the door, couldn't make a sound, I was so scared. It was awful. I randomly saw someone who asked, 'Are you choking?'" When she gestured "yes," the man performed the Heimlich maneuver on her, dislodging the pea from her airway. "His name is Julius, and he's my guardian angel," Banks said. She's since been telling everyone about the incident to encourage others to learn the Heimlich maneuver.

To perform the Heimlich maneuver, you place your fist between the person's chest and belly button, then grasp your fist with your other hand and press in and up forcefully and repeatedly.

Banks was filming her new project "Skincare" in Los Angeles when the choking incident occurred. After the incident, she expressed her gratitude to Julius, her guardian angel, who saved her life with the Heimlich maneuver in the bustling city of Los Angeles.

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