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Eleven police officers injured during protests against AfD federal party conference in Essen

According to the police, eleven officers were injured during the sometimes violent protests against the AfD federal party conference in Essen on Saturday morning. "Disruptive actions" took place in the Rüttenscheid district: People had attacked emergency services and tried to break through...

Demonstration in front of the Grugahalle
Demonstration in front of the Grugahalle

Eleven police officers injured during protests against AfD federal party conference in Essen

The police therefore used pepper spray, batons, and "immediate force" as they announced. According to earlier reports, several people were arrested.

Since Saturday afternoon, according to organizers, around 50,000 people have gathered for a demonstration in front of the Grugahalle in Essen, where the AfD federal party convention is taking place. This demonstration remained peaceful, according to police reports.

At the Federal Party Conference, opposing groups had planned to protest, but the AfD party conference also saw a significant turnout. During the AfD federal party conference, some participants brought food for their events. Unfortunately, tensions escalated during the AfD party conference's protests, requiring intervention from local police officers and additional police forces.

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