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Elevated ozone concentrations prevalent in North Rhine-Westphalia, particularly in Cologne.

The environmental regulator has detected elevated ozone readings at multiple monitoring sites. A forecast of reduced sunlight suggests that comparable high levels won't occur on the following day.

Excessive ozone concentrations have surpassed the 180 micrograms per cubic meter marker in North...
Excessive ozone concentrations have surpassed the 180 micrograms per cubic meter marker in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to the regional environmental authority. Approximately 20% of the local population might be susceptible to these elevated ozone levels.

- Elevated ozone concentrations prevalent in North Rhine-Westphalia, particularly in Cologne.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, various monitoring spots around Cologne area recorded oxygen depletion levels surpassing the 180 micrograms per cubic meter of air limit throughout the day.

The limit was just barely surpassed in Hürth and Leverkusen-Manfort, as suggested by a statement from the regional environmental authority. At 3:00 PM, a reading of 193 micrograms was detected in Cologne-Rodenkirchen. The environmental authority anticipates that Tuesday will not display such high readings, given the reduced sunlight, as per their forecast.

Ozone can trigger symptoms such as mucous membrane irritation, respiratory issues, and headaches. Additionally, it may lead to reduced physical performance. Around 10-20% of the population is highly susceptible to ozone. Outdoor workers, athletes, and infants and young children are also potential victims.

Once levels surpass the information threshold, vulnerable population should steer clear of strenuous outdoor activities. High-intensity workouts should be scheduled for the early morning or evening hours instead.

The regional environmental authority emphasizes the importance of adhering to health and safety guidelines, advising vulnerable individuals to minimize outdoor activities during periods of oxygen depletion. Regular monitoring of ozone levels is crucial for ensuring health and safety in outdoor environments.

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