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Elementary school in Esslingen experiences fire, prompting evacuation.

A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.
A fire engine of the fire department drives to an operation with flashing blue lights.

Firefighting missions underway. - Elementary school in Esslingen experiences fire, prompting evacuation.

A school in Esslingen had to be evacuated because of a possible fire in the basement toilet. The police informed about the event on Monday. The teachers swiftly evacuated hundreds of students following the fire alarm. Firefighters arrived on the scene and managed to extinguish the flames in the restroom. No one sustained injuries. The school was shut down for the day, with kids picked up by their parents. The case is now being handled by the criminal police.

Official statement

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The fire department operation took place at an elementary school in Baden-Württemberg, specifically in Esslingen. The fire department was promptly called due to a fire in the basement toilet. The local fire department successfully extinguished the fires, ensuring no further spread. Even though fires occurred in schools are rare in Esslingen, this incident served as a reminder about the importance of safety measures and emergency drills.

