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Electric blanket catches fire - resident is injured

The resident of an apartment in Potsdam has been injured in a fire involving an electric blanket. The person was taken to hospital, a fire department spokesperson said on Saturday. The cause of the fire early on Saturday morning in the Am Stern district was initially unclear.

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire department vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire department vehicle.

Potsdam - Electric blanket catches fire - resident is injured

The resident of an apartment in Potsdam has been injured in a fire involving an electric blanket. The person was taken to hospital, a fire department spokesperson said on Saturday. The cause of the fire early on Saturday morning in the Am Stern district was initially unclear.

The fire department was also deployed in the city center on Saturday afternoon. Smoke was billowing from a garbage container into a house. It was initially unclear whether there were any casualties.

Potsdam fire department on X (formerly Twitter)

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