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Elections to the Landtag in Hartungs constituency formally cancelled

Following the death of SPD politician Thomas Hartung, the State Electoral Commissioner must decide on a by-election date in his constituency of Weimar II. Meanwhile, the SPD mourns and discusses how to proceed.

After the death of SPD education politician Thomas Hartung, the election is initially stopped.
After the death of SPD education politician Thomas Hartung, the election is initially stopped.

- Elections to the Landtag in Hartungs constituency formally cancelled

After the surprising death of SPD education politician and direct candidate Thomas Hartung, the state election in the constituency of Weimar II has been formally cancelled. However, it is possible that the by-election date will also be set for September 1st, according to city administration. For this, a swift agreement on a successor candidate is needed, it was reported.

The SPD district association Weimar will consult soon on the next steps, said a spokesperson for the state SPD.

Hartung died at the age of 53 after a serious illness. The news of his death caused shock and sadness across party lines. Hartung was the SPD's direct candidate for the September 1st state election and had a promising position on the SPD's state list.

The state election supervisor must set a by-election date for Hartung's constituency Weimar II. No decision has been made yet, according to the office of the state election supervisor. The by-election can take place on September 1st and must occur within six weeks of that date.

The SPD district association in Weimar will need to quickly decide on a successor for the departed Thomas Hartung, as his role as the SPD's direct candidate for the Landtag in Weimar II was significant. Once a new candidate is chosen, the state election supervisor will set a by-election date for Hartung's Landtag constituency.

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