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Elections may involve attempts at interference and data security issues.

Smooth operation of European and local elections in Brandenburg was not observed everywhere. Brandenburg's state electoral officer, Herbert Trimbach, plans to evaluate the need for enhancements in the conduct of these elections.

Brandenburg's state returning officer Herbert Trimbach.
Brandenburg's state returning officer Herbert Trimbach.

Official responsible for tallying election results - Elections may involve attempts at interference and data security issues.

In the city of Lenzen by the Elbe in Prignitz district, election observers created unease among the election staff, revealed state election commissioner Trimbach in Potsdam on Monday. Nonetheless, their presence had no significant effect on the overall election process.

Meanwhile, voters expressed dissatisfaction over the announcement of eligible voters' names in polling stations and the discrepancy between voter notifications and IDs. Trimbach commented, "These are common issues."

He further revealed his intention to examine the election on a broader scale, aiming to identify areas for improvement. "Certain counts were completed early, while in others it took unti 6:00 am the following day to obtain the final reports," he noted. "I'd like to understand the reason for the delayed results."

Contrary to the past elections, approximately 30 municipalities decided to postpone the count to the next day, something that was legally possible before.

Election outcomes in the European election Brandenburg 2024 [Bittinterpretation - hauptnier]

Read also:

  1. The election commissioner, Herbert Trimbach, highlighted that election observers in the Municipality of Lenzen in the County of Prignitz caused some concerns, but had minimal impact on the election process in Potsdam.
  2. Amidst the EU elections, several municipalities in Brandenburg decided to postpone the vote count until the next day, an option legally allowed before.
  3. Despite a smooth process in most regions, voters in some polling stations criticized the announcement of eligible voters' names and discrepancies between voter notifications and IDs, issues that Trimbach considered common.
  4. The EU elections in Brandenburg 2024 will be subject to monitoring and assessment by EU institutions due to potential interferences and data security concerns, similar to elections in other municipalities in the federal state of Brandenburg, such as Potsdam and surrounding areas like the County of Prignitz by the Elbe.



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