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Election victor only for two days: disruptions in local voting.

A local Trier politician enjoyed the victory feel during nearly two days before realizing the election results needed to be amended.

The ballots are distributed shortly after 6 pm.
The ballots are distributed shortly after 6 pm.

Trier: A City in Germany with Historic Charm - Election victor only for two days: disruptions in local voting.

During a local election for mayor in a Trier community, the incorrect winner was initially proclaimed. Upon recount, it was revealed that the competitor with the most votes was actually Pässler from the CDU, not Christian Becker from the SPD. The preliminary outcome on Sunday evening indicated a triumph for Christian Becker in Trier-Zerwen with a total of 769 votes, three votes above his CDU counterpart Ralf Pässler. However, the tally was conducted again on Tuesday due to a discrepancy in the records, and it was then determined that Pässler had been chosen as the mayor with a surplus of 37 votes. The blunder took place at one of the four polling stations, where the votes were distributed to the incorrect candidate.

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