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Election outcomes serve as 'cautionary signals' for the craft and digital sectors.

Significant economic bodies express concern over Thuringia and Saxony state election outcomes. According to the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH), these results serve as a 'clear warning signal.' Bitkom, the digital association, concurred, labeling it as a 'prompt for reflection'...

Setting up solar panels in Cottbus
Setting up solar panels in Cottbus

Election outcomes serve as 'cautionary signals' for the craft and digital sectors.

JD President Jörg Dittrich highlighted, the "move towards political extremes signifies the uncertainty and major loss of faith" in the past actions of the traffic light coalition in Berlin. "These election outcomes ought to result in changes in federal politics," he insisted.

In the realm of economics and businesses, there's a "strong need for a reliable government and decisive political moves," noted Dittrich. "Recession and lack of competitiveness offer no more space for maneuvering." The traffic light parties, "who were partially sidelined in the state elections, need to provide answers at the federal level immediately," demanded the head of the crafts.

Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst stated that Germany must "keep being a nation that supports global openness and innovative spirit. These principles are not embodied by AfD or BSW."

"A short-sighted policy that aims to separate Germany from the global advancements in the digital economy and establish borders is a significant hazard to digital Germany," Wintergerst cautioned. He emphasized that Germany urgently requires skilled foreign professionals - "we need to attract these individuals and actively woo them."

For politics in general, the election results in Thuringia and Saxony "should be more than just a wake-up call," demanded Wintergerst. "We need noticeable and tangible improvements: in infrastructure, businesses, schools, administrations, internal and external security."

Given the political shifts and the rise of extremist parties, it's crucial to identify the ["Warning signs"] to prevent potential escalations. These election outcomes have underscored the necessity for prompt actions and policy changes at the federal level.

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