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Election in France: Right-wing populist Bardella speaks out in favor of support for Ukraine

During a TV debate three days before the first round of the parliamentary elections in France, French right-wing populist Jordan Bardella, who is seeking the office of prime minister for his Rassemblement National (RN) party in the event of an absolute majority, spoke out in favor of continued...

Jordan Bardella (L) in a televised debate in France
Jordan Bardella (L) in a televised debate in France

Election in France: Right-wing populist Bardella speaks out in favor of support for Ukraine

His position on this conflict is "very simple" and has "never changed," Bardella stated during the debate with the incumbent Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and Socialist Party Chief Olivier Faure. "It's about supporting Ukraine and preventing an escalation" with the nuclear power Russia.

Regarding the controversial refusal of President Emmanuel Macron to exclude the deployment of French soldiers in Ukraine, Bardella said: "If I am prime minister tomorrow, no French soldiers will be sent to Ukraine." He is also against sending medium-range missiles to Ukraine that could hit Russian territory. "My compass is the interest of France and the French," Bardella added.

According to a poll published on Thursday, the RN is leading with 36% of the votes further ahead, the left-green New People's Front follows with 29% of the votes, and the government coalition is lagging far behind with 19.5%. According to a Thursday-released Ipsos poll. The voter turnout could increase from roughly 48% in 2022 to up to 65%.

The first round of the National Assembly election takes place on Sunday, and the second round is on July 7. Macron surprisingly announced new elections to the National Assembly after the RN's victory and the poor showing for the government coalition in the European election on June 9. If the RN were to achieve an absolute majority, they could be forced to form a political marriage with a right-wing populist prime minister.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed optimism in an AFP interview that France would continue to support Ukraine regardless of the election results. "We are confident that the next government, regardless of the Russian aggressor, will remain committed to European values," he said.

  1. Despite Bardella's promise, the Rassemblement National's position on sending French soldiers to Ukraine remains a point of contention in the ongoing debate, with Emmanuel Macron maintaining his stance.
  2. The Rassemblement National, led by Jordan Bardella, has gained significant support in France, as indicated by the recent poll, with Ukraine's conflict and France's stance towards Russia being key issues.
  3. In the upcoming parliamentary election, the choice between the Rassemblement National and the government coalition could significantly impact France's position on supporting Ukraine and its relationship with Russia.
  4. Olivier Faure, the Socialist Party Chief, disagreed with Bardella's stance during the debate, arguing that France should continue to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.
  5. If the Rassemblement National achieves an absolute majority in the parliamentary election, it could potentially lead to a right-wing populist prime minister who shares Bardella's views on Ukraine and Russia.
  6. In the context of the Ukrainian conflict and France's relationship with Russia, the parliamentary election results could have significant implications for the direction of French foreign policy.
  7. Despite the controversial stance on sending French soldiers and missiles to Ukraine, the ongoing support for Ukraine remains a central issue in the French political landscape, with Macron and Bardella representing opposing viewpoints.
  8. The outcome of the parliamentary election could potentially influence the position of France on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its relationship with nuclear power Russia.

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