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Election campaign again: parties will soon be putting up posters

Following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court, the parties know what they have to prepare for. The election campaign is short, the time until then even shorter. Soon the posters will be up again.

View into the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag.
View into the plenary chamber of the German Bundestag.

Redial - Election campaign again: parties will soon be putting up posters

Following the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the partial rerun of the Bundestag elections in Berlin, the parties are switching into campaign mode. The SPD ordered posters, flyers and small gifts for campaign stands on Tuesday, the day of the Karlsruhe ruling, a spokesperson said on Wednesday. Like other parties, the SPD plans to start putting up election posters on January 2. Following the court's ruling, the 2021 federal election in Berlin will have to be repeated on February 11 due to numerous glitches in a good fifth of the 2256 constituencies.

"Our focus is on campaigning for a high voter turnout so that Berlin does not lose any votes in the German Bundestag," said the SPD spokesperson. "That's why the Berlin SPD will be campaigning throughout the city, naturally with a focus on the areas particularly affected by the repeat election."

The CDU does not want to let anyone look at its cards. The party is in the midst of planning for the hot election campaign phase, according to state managing director Dirk Reitze. "Please understand, however, that we are not commenting on the internal workings of the election campaign at this time."

The Berlin Greens are planning a concentrated election campaign. "This election campaign will be short and sweet," said a spokesperson. The party has had a lot of positive experience with door-to-door campaigning in order to engage directly with voters. "Of course, we will also rely on online campaigning during the cold season." Party leaders Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai explained: "We are now well practiced in winter campaigning and will make everyone an offer for social cohesion, investment in the future and a healthy planet."

Left Party regional managing director Sebastian Koch expects an effort for everyone involved. "But the posters will be there in time so that we can get started right at the beginning of January," he said. The first hanging parties and cross-district support campaigns are already planned.

"We've been working on the campaign since September and commissioned the various printed materials immediately after the verdict was announced," said Koch. "Our members are currently forging many creative activities for the election campaign while eating cookies." The time frame is short, but motivation is high. "We are already in election campaign mode and have had six different motifs on electricity boxes throughout the city for a few days."

AfD state chairwoman Kristin Brinker said that the repeat election campaign offered many priceless opportunities to denounce the policies of the governing parties at federal and state level as "irresponsible" and present their own solutions. "We will not let this opportunity pass us by."

According to FDP state managing director Marcel Schwemmlein, the Liberals have been preparing various scenarios for some time and are now launching their campaign. Plans include large and small posters, social media activities and traditional street campaigning.

It is no secret that the parties only have limited funds available for the new election campaign. They are holding back on exact figures: the CDU and SPD are not providing any information, while the FDP speaks of an adequate budget in the "lower six-figure" range. AfD leader Brinker said: "The budget is smaller than for a 'normal' election campaign, but we will make the best of it." According to the Left Party, it has 320,000 euros at its disposal for the election campaign.

The hot phase of election preparations is also beginning for state election manager Stephan Bröchler: Election notifications will be sent out as early as January 2, he announced on Wednesday. The documents contain information about the polling station and the possibility of postal voting.

He assumes that around 550,000 Berliners will be able to vote in the partial repeat election. That would be slightly more than a fifth of the number of eligible voters in the election on September 26, 2021, which was marked by glitches and errors. The Bundestag election must be repeated in 455 of Berlin's 2256 electoral districts and associated postal voting districts.

Based on feedback from the districts so far, Bröchler assumes that there will be no problems in recruiting volunteer electoral assistants. He wants to discuss this with representatives of the districts on Thursday. In view of the number of constituencies now in question, it can be assumed that around 3,000 or slightly more electoral assistants will be needed.

Federal Constitutional Court statement on the ruling of 19.12.

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