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Elderly Woman in Marzahn-Hellersdorf Run Over by Car

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

Mishap or unintended incident occurs. - Elderly Woman in Marzahn-Hellersdorf Run Over by Car

An elderly lady, aged 63, ended up critically hurt after getting struck by a vehicle in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. According to authorities, the accident transpired on Monday when an 81-year-old driver failed to spot the pedestrian (the 63-year-old lady) as she maneuvered her car onto Blumberger Damm. The lady had planned to cross the road when the traffic light was green. She received serious but not life-threatening injuries in the accident and is currently receiving medical care in the hospital. Police are currently probing the 81-year-old driver for negligent physical harm.

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