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Elderly Male Faces Court over Allegations of Theft and Deceiving Female Partners

In Berlin and Leipzig, women have hosted him in their residences, believing it to be a romantic situation. However, there are accusations that he aimed to exploit these women. As of now, there have been seven reported incidents.

An elderly gent of 66 years faces trial for allegedly deceiving four females.
An elderly gent of 66 years faces trial for allegedly deceiving four females.

- Elderly Male Faces Court over Allegations of Theft and Deceiving Female Partners

A sixty-six-year-old suspect, known for allegedly swindling people, is due in Berlin Regional Court on Wednesday at 9:30 AM. This gentleman is being charged with swindling and misleading four ladies he had connections with, between May 2019 and August 2021. The prosecution is focusing on seven incidents in particular, with six facing trial charges. These illegal activities allegedly occurred at the women's homes in both Berlin and Leipzig. In one situation, the suspect is said to have secured a loan of 15,000 euros by falsely promising to pay it back. He's also accused of pilfering 20,000 euros from another woman. In total, the sixty-six-year-old is reported to have stolen around 54,000 euros worth of valuable items and cash from his victims. Thus far, four trial days have been set up.

The suspect's initial hearing for these charges will take place at the Berlin's Court of First Instance, coinciding with his court date at the Berlin Regional Court. After being found guilty in the Court of First Instance, the sixty-six-year-old may face further proceedings in a higher court, depending on the severity of the charges.

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