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Elderly lady stands trial for denying Holocaust occurrence.

Ursula Haverbeck disputes the narrative of mass murder at Auschwitz, facing another trial for stirring up enmity. She is a 95-year-old person with prior conviction records.

The gatehouse of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.
The gatehouse of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.

Procedures or Methods undergo Development - Elderly lady stands trial for denying Holocaust occurrence.

Ursula Haverbeck, a Holocaust denier, will have to attend court again in Hamburg. The prosecutor's office revealed on Friday that the 95-year-old is facing charges of incitement in two separate cases. The trial will commence on the following Friday at 1 PM, and it will take place before a petite criminal court at the Hamburg Regional Court.

Haverbeck is accused of making the following statements: during the Lüneburg trial involving former SS man Oskar Gröning in April 2015, she told reporters that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp but rather a labor one. Furthermore, in a television interview with the NDR show "Panorama," she denied the existence of a mass murder within Auschwitz. In November 2015, a Hamburg court sentenced Haverbeck to ten months in prison without parole. She had filed an appeal.

Courts have been dealing with Haverbeck's statements for a long time. In 2004, she was convicted for the first time and received a fine. Recently, sentences without parole have been imposed on her; she served more than two years in Bielefeld (NRW) prison for Holocaust denial. In 2022, a Berlin court sentenced Haverbeck to a year in prison without parole due to incitement. This ruling is final. Historians believe that the Nazis killed at least 1.1 million people solely in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

Read also:

  1. Despite her advanced age, Ursula Haverbeck, known for denying the occurrence of the Holocaust, will stand trial once more in Hamburg's court, facing charges of incitement to hatred in two separate cases, linked to her statements about Auschwitz.
  2. The Hamburg Regional Court will conduct processes against Haverbeck, a Holocaust denier, who in the past was convicted for her beliefs and served time in prison, with the next trial set to commence at 1 PM this coming Friday.
  3. National Socialism's dark history and the denial of atrocities committed during this era, such as Haverbeck's denial of Auschwitz's role as an extermination camp, have led to ongoing legal battles, with Haverbeck currently facing charges of incitement to hatred and extremism.
  4. The public prosecutor's office in Hamburg has taken action against Haverbeck for her controversial statements, reflecting the German court system's commitment to upholding historical truths and combating Holocaust denial, which is considered incitement to hatred that can lead to hate-motivated extremism.


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