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Elderly individual, aged 81, collides with a tree and perishes.

Along the unyielding stretch of asphalt, the individual behind the wheel of his vehicle departs from his intended path, colliding directly with a tree.

An elderly gentleman, aged 81, deviates from his course and collides with a tree using his vehicle.
An elderly gentleman, aged 81, deviates from his course and collides with a tree using his vehicle.

- Elderly individual, aged 81, collides with a tree and perishes.

A senior-aged chauffeur met his demise in an accident on State Road 32, specifically in the Vorpommern-Greifswald region. This elderly gentleman was traversing towards Rothemühl when, unexpectedly, his automobile swerved off the road to the left on a straight patch, as reported by the police in Neubrandenburg. The vehicle subsequently smashed head-on into a tree close to Strasburg. Regrettably, the 81-year-old perished on the spot. The authorities had to shut down State Road 32 entirely for a duration of two hours as a consequence.

The accident involving the elderly chauffeur occurred within the district of Vorpommern-Grieifswald. Following the incident, State Road 32, located in this district, was closed for two hours.

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